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Studies on the Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter Neoplastic Cellular Culture

Case 10
Patient M. M., male, age 20, was diagnosed with plasmocitoma in the tibial region. The patient complained of serious pain in the tibia and was unable to walk. The tibia showed decalcification and serious bone erosion. Conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy had already been tried and no further therapeutic programs were planned.
After the electromagnetic treatment performed in 1988, the pain disappeared; the patient was able to walk again, the bone recalcified and the pathological erosions disappeared. Figure 16 shows the xRay before the treatment, Figure 17 during the treatment and Figure 18 after the treatment.
The third radiological examination in 1989 was accompanied by the following medical analysis:
“The present examination, compared to the preceding one (no. 2061) of 1 December 1988, shows that the large destructive area at the medial diaphisis, is mostly occupied by structural bone growth from bone repair under way with fixed appearance of hardened bone in formation.” The treatment consisted of approximately 25 applications.
Case 11
Patient, B. M., female, age 49, was diagnosed with carcinoma of the breast. The patient had had a mammography on May 11, 1994 (Figure 19), which indicated on the right retroaureolar region a nodular formation with a diameter of about i cm with a radiating outline. Excision was recommended.
Agoaspiration confirmed the malignant nature of the lesion and surgery was planned for two weeks later. Waiting for the operation, the patient asked to be subjected to electromagnetic therapy and after eleven sittings the mammography was repeated. The results can be seen in Figure 20.
The medical report described granulous breasts of fibromicrocystic type with no evidence of suspicious radiological character nor microcalcifications. Moreover, the cutaneous profile seemed normal.

Properties of the Signals Used
Most of the signals used in the clinical field are of the rectangular wave shape type (99). This is due to the fact that the activation of some cell functions is bound to on/off type electrical potentials, that is, not of the linear type but with wave forms of the rectangular type (100). The electromagnetic treatment lasts on average about twenty minutes per day with single daily sittings. The duration of the sitting is reguiated by the application program and its parameters.
During the first half of the treatment, the static or variable magnetic field at 50 Hz, the puised electric field, and the pulse electromagnetic field are all present simultaneously. In the second half, the static or variable magnetic field is not applied. The electromagnetic pulsed field and the electric pulsed field are kept in phase or in counterphase. The frequency of the electromagnetic field, as well as the temporal width of the square carrier wave, are fixed according to the histological type of tumor, grade of differentiation, mass, and location.
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