La vera causa dell’ AIDS: Tutto quello che non vi hanno mai detto:
Nel 1984, l’allora Ministro della Sanità statunitense Margaret Heckler ed il virologo Robert Gallo dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità USA, annunciarono in una conferenza stampa che l’AIDS era una nuova malattia virale, trasmessa attraverso il sangue o i rapporti sessuali. Fu detto che il virus che causava la malattia era l’HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), e che sarebbero occorsi circa due anni per individuare un vaccino e sconfiggerlo. A distanza di ben 22 anni e miliardi di dollari spesi in ricerca “fasulla”, nessun vaccino è stato scoperto né ci sono indizi che siamo in procinto di averlo e neppure è stata individuata una cura efficace.
Il principale accusato da parte dei “dissidenti” è proprio lui, Robert Gallo, il quale nel frattempo è diventato multimiliardario grazie al test dell’HIV da lui brevettato ai tempi dell’annuncio dell”84, ed anche potentissimo, dato che gestisce ingenti fondi stanziati per la ricerca sull’AIDS.
Anche se Gallo sosteneva di aver isolato lui il virus HIV, l’Istituto Pasteur di Parigi lo denunciò sostenendo che il virus era lo stesso già scoperto da un ricercatore francese, Luc Montagner, che aveva inviato alcuni campioni a Gallo. Fu in seguito deciso (da Reagan e Chirac) che i due fossero considerati co-scopritori, dividendosi i proventi della scoperta. Un’indagine successiva sempre connessa alla vicenda ha addebitato a Gallo altri comportamenti poco encomiabili, ma non ha danneggiato più di tanto il “padre” di una teoria così importante.
Ma cosa avevano scoperto questi due signori ?
Un gruppo di scienziati australiani, guidato dalla Dott.ssa Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos dopo aver condotto per anni esperimenti e studi di laboratorio è arrivato alla conclusione che non si può provare che l’HIV esista, lo si può solo supporre; ma quello che è realmente impossibile affermare è che questo sia un virus (o un retrovirus).
I dottori Stefan Lanka e Heinrich Kremer sostengono anch’essi che l’esistenza del nesso fra HIV ed aids è una pura supposizione torica. Mai dimostrata e non dimostrabile il nesso.
La tesi di Lanka sulla supposta indiscutibile esistenza dell’HIV è molto acuta ed intelligente. Egli sostiene che il gran polverone “mediatico” suscitato dalla diatriba tra Gallo e Montagner, protrattosi per anni con scambi di accuse, scorrettezze e colpi bassi da telenovela (troppi soldi in gioco), su chi fosse il reale scopritore dell’HIV, è servito ad oscurare l’attenzione sul fondamento della cosa più importante: l’oggetto della contesa, cioè la scoperta stessa. Viene mica in mente a nessuno di mettere in discussione cosa abbiano scoperto due scienziati che litigano così furiosamente per la paternità di una scoperta tanto importante.
Quindi non vi è nessuna prova che esista il nesso fra il cosiddetto virus HIV, presunto portatore della sindrome da immunodeficienza acquisita, e l’aids, ma e sopra tutto NON esiste studio medico scientifico che lo DIMOSTRI !
vedi: HIV e l’AIDS + Cosa e’ un Virus
“Il paziente malato di Aids NON muore a causa del virus dell’HIV ma per alterazioni dell’assorbimento intestinale e quindi per ipoalimentazione (malNutrizione), dovuta a una grave micosi.” (By Dott. Gerhard Orth, Leuthkirch)
vedi: Aids its the Bacteria stupid – PDF + Aids its really caused by a virus ? – vedi anche: L’altra storia dell’Aids + Hiv virus inventato
Gli sconvolgenti documenti ufficiali, alcuni dei quali totalmente inediti in Italia, che provano la truffa dell’Hiv-Aids.
Fatti a me ben noti, da giornalista investigativo e dati per scontati gia’ nel 1983….
Frutto di 3 anni di ricerca intesa e ostacolata di un dottore italiano che, minacciato di morte, è emigrato all’estero. Facciamo girare e diffondiamo il più possibile per favore. Grazie a tutte/i.
vedi: HIV e’ uno pseudovirus + L’Aids e’ realmente causato da un virus ? + HIV Virus inventato ? + Bibliografia su Aids + La dott.essa Papadopoulos e l’aids + l’aids e’ stato inventato in USA ? + I Postulati di Koch + L’altra storia dell’Aids + PDF di Luc Montagnier su AIDS ed HIV… + PDF di Gallo e lo HIV…
Intervista a Kary Mullis:
“A generarlo sono più fattori, di sicuro una vita molto disordinata mette a rischio il sistema immunitario”
Ma la cosi detta “scienza” ufficiale non crede al Nobel Mussil
MILANO. Kary Mullis, 53 anni, premio Nobel per la Chimica, da 10 anni conduce una battaglia (quasi) solitaria sull’Aids.
A differenza della stragrande maggioranza degli scienziati non è affatto convinto che la causa dell’Aids sia il retrovirus Hiv.
Dice, dal 1988, che “nessun esperimento scientifico lo ha mai provato”. Dice che “le cause potrebbero essere altre e più complesse”. Dice (infine) “che l’Aids è una epidemia meno diffusa della paura che ha generato”. vedi Terrorismo Mediatico
Kary Mullis (l’eretico) è venuto a Milano per l’annuale incontro “Dieci Nobel per il futuro” e (come al solito) ha scandalizzato la platea per le sue opinioni non ortodosse sulla ricerca scientifica in generale e sull’Aids in particolare. In questi dieci anni ha diretto i controlli, per la città di Los Angeles, su tutto il sangue donato alle strutture di sanità pubblica.
Poi si è occupato di Dna scoprendo la Polymerase Chain Reaction (reazione a catena della polimerase) che consente di “fotocopiare” il Dna, quindi di produrne una gran quantità anche da frazioni piccolissime. La scoperta gli ha fruttato il premio Nobel. Ascoltarlo produce un vago senso di allarme. Anche adesso: poltrone in velluto di grande albergo, mentre beve Campari, mangia noccioline, si stropiccia la faccia che ricorda quella di Jack Nicholson, si gratta la testa e parla.
Quindi dottor Mullis, l’Aids è una invenzione ? “No, non dico affatto questo. L’infezione e i morti sono reali, anche se assai più limitati di quanto si creda. Ma molte cose dette sull’Aids sono diventate vere a forza di ripeterle.”
A cominciare dalla concatenazione Hiv-Aids alla quale non crede. “Qui non si tratta di stabilire quello che io o lei o tutto il mondo suppone, desidera, crede. Non stiamo parlando di religione.”
Coma mai tra migliaia di scienziati lei è l’unico che… “L’unico proprio no… Ma che vuol dire poi ? Anche Galileo era piuttosto solo, all’inizio…”
Perche’ secondo lei la ricerca mondiale avrebbe accettato di perseverare nell’errore ? Cominciamo dall’inizio.
“L’inizio sono i miliardi di finanziamento pubblico e privato per la ricerca… All’inizio degli Anni ’80 il rubinetto stava andando a secco perche’ il Congresso Americano tirava la cinghia. E centinaia di laboratori, istituzioni governative e private, giravano a rilento. Sto parlando dei massimi ambiti di ricerca degli Stati Uniti, non di piccole o medie case farmaceutiche… C’era bisogno di una epidemia e in un certo senso l’epidemia fu trovata.”
Sta scherzando ? “Non sto affatto scherzando, so di cosa parlo. Vede, se lei va a Washington a dire che si occupa di una epidemia che infesta i corsi d’acqua africani, il Congresso due soldi te li dà pure, solo che dopo un pò ti dice: chissenefrega. Ma se vai da loro con una epidemia che infesta o infesterà le città di New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, insomma la vita urbana e poi quella rurale della sacra America, quelli salteranno su una sedia e ti apriranno tutte le casseforti.”
E’ questo che è accaduto ? “E’ accaduto che l’Aids faceva i primi morti tra gli omosessuali e i tossicomani.
E’ accaduto che non se ne capiva la causa… Che la paranoia aumentava, che la ricerca procedeva sparsa verso tante ipotetiche cause. Ed è accaduto che un giorno il grande Robert Gallo, togliendosi i suoi occhiali da Blues Brothers davanti alle telecamere d’America disse: io so qual’è la causa, si chiama Hiv.”
Lo disse anche Luc Montagnier del Pasteur di Parigi. “Più o meno negli stessi giorni di Bob Gallo. E i due si litigarono la scoperta sino a che Reagan e Mitterrand, dopo un incontro a Vienna, dissero loro di piantarla e di lavorare.”
Cosa che fecero “Eccome. Sull’Aids sono stati investiti qualcosa come 30 miliardi di dollari dal solo governo americano. Altrettanti dai privati, più quelli dei governi europei e delle grandi multinazionali.
Una montagna di denaro.”
Tutto indirizzato sull’Hiv. “Che è solo uno dei miliardi di retrovirus che stanno tranquillamente nel nostro organismo.
vedi Virus
Da allora in poi e per sempre si stabilì che se c’era una certa quota di Hiv nel sangue, il paziente era positivo al test e quindi aveva l’Aids. Poi magari moriva di polmonite, di tubercolosi, ma veniva classificato come Aids e quindi vittima di Hiv. A Los Angeles ogni unità sanitaria che segnala un nuovo caso di Aids riceve 2500 dollari di finanziamento federale.”
Mi dice da dove arriva l’Aids, secondo lei, e da cosa è generato ? “La mia opinione è che ci siano moltissime cause a generarlo. Riguardano l’insieme del sistema immunitario, e lo stile di vita a cui viene sottoposto l’organismo.
C’è stata una parte della generazione adulta negli Anni ’60 e ’70, americani bianchi e neri, non solo omosessuali, ma di grande promiscuità sessuale, che per la prima volta ha praticato una vita molto disordinata per periodi davvero lunghi.”
In che senso disordinata ? “Significa bere molto alcol, dormire pochissimo, usare droghe, eroina, coca, o le sintetiche, da quelle per rilassarsi, alle anfetamine per stare svegli, mangiare male, ammalarsi spesso, usare continuamente antibiotici.
E avere, come hanno rilevato le prime inchieste sulla popolazione colpita, da 100 a 300 rapporti sessuali in un anno, con partner sempre differenti.”
Sta parlando, più o meno, di giovani alternativi, dropout, gay… “Guardi che non non c’è nessun giudizio moralistico, io sono lontanissimo da queste cose… Dico che mai prima di allora moltissimi organismi si sono esposti a questo bombardamento quotidiano… Il sistema immunitario funziona come un cammello nel deserto quando è sovraccarico: regge, va avanti, poi crolla di colpo.”
Ma non si disse che il virus era nato in Africa ? “Questa è un’altra leggenda… In Africa non c’è un solo dato scientifico che lo provi. In Occidente, in presenza di Hiv nel sangue, vengono definite Aids 29 differenti patologie. In Africa ne bastano tre: perdita di peso, diarrea, e sfinimento. Se ricorda si disse che in Africa sarebbero scomparse una o forse due intere generazioni. Non è accaduto. Si disse che il 70 per cento delle prostitute senegalesi sarebbero morte nei successivi 5 anni: ne sono passati 10 e gran parte di loro sta benissimo.”
Scusi, ma allora tutte le campagne sull’uso del preservativo… “E’ una questione interessante. Come è noto l’Aids non è progredito ai livelli esponenziali che ci avevano pronosticato. La sua diffusione è molto diminuita.
Ci dicono che questo è accaduto grazie alla prevenzione e all’uso diffuso del preservativo. Benissimo.
Ma allora come mai tutte le infezioni veneree continuano a crescere ? La verità è che in America si usa il preservativo più o meno come prima e probabilmente meno.”
Se ha ragione, perchè sarebbe stato “inventato” l’Hiv ? “Perchè era un modo semplice di risolvere un problema complesso. Perché metteva tutti d’accordo: il fondamentalismo religioso e il puritanesimo.
La lobby della ricerca e la voracità dei media. Era tutto spettacolare: molti soldi e molta gloria e molta autopunizione per tutti. Se ricorda non si è parlato d’altro per anni. Come si fece per il Vietnam…”
In che senso ? “Che anche quella guerra, come questa, fu fatta per tante ragioni, comprese alcune molto stupide.
E su un’ipotesi probabilmente sbagliata. Come da 15 anni sull’Aids.”
Pino Corrias – Tratto da “La Stampa”, 07 dicembre 1998 – vedi Cure naturali
Pubblichiamo alcune dichiarazioni di eminenti personaggi della scienza moderna, in materia di aids.
1. Luc Montagnier, dirige l’Istituto Pasteur di Parigi (produttore di vaccini):
Ecco uno scambio epistolare molto molto illuminante tra Valendar Turner (ricercatore e collaboratore della Eleni Eleopulos Papadopulos) e Robin Weiss ricercatore inglese famoso per aver… “co-scoperto” il “virus”
dell’AIDS. Turner domanda a Weiss di spiegargli se, secondo lui, Montagnier isolò effettivamente l’HIV.
Consigliamo fare molta attenzione a questa piccola discussione perché riguarda il vero “noumeno” (quello che è conosciuto dalla ragione pura) ovvero il “clou” di questa lunga storia. Ecco la prima lettera:
On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 11:04:48 +0800, Valendar Turner scrisse:
Caro Professor Weiss, Nel Suo commento sulla rivista Nature (New and Views), “From Pan to pandemic”, Lei ed il Suo collega Dr. Wrangham affermate, l’origine del HIV-1, il retrovirus che è la principale causa dell’ AIDS, è stato un puzzle fin dal tempo in cui è stato scoperto da Barre-Sinoussi ed i suoi colleghi nel 1983″.
In una intervista pubblicata nel 1998 che L. Montagnier ha rilasciato al giornalista francese Djamel Tahi, a Montagnier fu chiesto perché lui ed i suoi colleghi non pubblicarono le microfotografie elettroniche che
provano che la banda di 1,16 g/ml (il virus purificato) contenevano particelle di HIV isolato.
Luc Montagnier rispose: “non fu pubblicata tale prova poiché persino dopo sforzi titanici, alla densità di 1,16g/ml non potevamo vedere alcuna particella con le caratteristiche morfologiche tipiche dei retrovirus”.
Egli diede simili risposte a domande ripetute, incluso: “Ripeto, noi non purificammo”, il che significa semplicemente che: non isolammo il virus HIV !. + Cosa e’ un Virus
Considerando questi dati si può correttamente sostenere che “Barre-Sinoussi e i suoi colleghi nel 1983” scoprirono un retrovirus ?. NO ! inoltre L. Montagnier continua dicendo in un’altra intervista: “l’aids non porta inevitabilmente alla morte. Per il mantenimento di una buona funzione immunitaria sono molto importanti i fattori psicologici. Se indebolite psicologicamente qualcuno dicendogli che sta per morire, sono le vostre parole a condannarlo”.
2. Dott. Kary Mullis: “La storia dell’aids è legata ad una lunga serie di ricerche che sono state fatte per provare che esisteva un virus che causava l’aids: Quei ricercatori che non erano riusciti a dimostrare che un virus causava il cancro, hanno affermato che il virus HIV causava l’aids”.
3. Walter Gilbert (premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1980, professore di biologia molecolare ad Harvard):
“E’ assolutamente corretto nell’affermare (sta parlando di Peter Duesberg), che nessuna ha dimostrato che l’aids sia causato dal virus HIV; ed è assolutamente giusto che i virus circolanti in laboratorio non possono essere la causa dell’aids………non sarei assolutamente sorpreso se ci fossero altre cause per l’aids e che persino lo HIV non fosse coinvolto”. 4. Charles Thomas (Professore di biochimica ad Harvard): “Nella pubblica opinione è ampiamente diffusa l’idea che il retrovirus chiamato HIV , causa il gruppo di malattie chiamate aids.
Molti biomedici adesso mettono in dubbio questa ipotesi. Proponiamo che una approfondita riconsiderazione delle prove esistenti a favore e contro questa ipotesi, sia condotta da un adeguato gruppo indipendente”.
5. Robert Toot – Bernstein (Scienziato molecolare, autore di Discovery and Rethinking aids):
“Eravamo abituati a credere di sapere che tutti siano ugualmente a rischio HIV o aids e che una epidemia eterosessuale fosse inevitabile. Ma l’epidemiologia dell’aids deve ancora fornire prove consistenti per tale ipotesi”.
6. Liaila O. Afrika (Autore di “Afrikan Holistic Health and Nutricide”):
“Il virus dell’aids è una particella della celllula umana: Non può mangiare, riprodursi, crescere, muoversi, attaccare od essere attaccato, non è una pianta od animale e non è vivente.
Un virus non è attivo un mese ed inattivo (inerte) il successivo e nemmeno dorme fra i due o cinque anni, prima di attaccare una persona”.
7. Peter Duesberg (Retrovirologo, membro dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze):
“L’HIV è solo un latente e perfettamente innoffensivo retrovirus di cui molti, ma non tutti, i malati di aids possono essere portatori. Dire che l’HIV è la causa dell’aids significa mettere da parte tutto ciò che sappiamo sui retrovirus. La teoria dell’HIV è inconsistente, assurda e paradossale”.
8. Dr. David Rasnick: “In qualità di scienziato dopo 16 anni di studio sull’aids, mi sono convinto e reso conto che questa malattia non aveva molto a che fare con la scienza. L’aids è un fenomeno sociologico costruito dalla paura.
Questo ha creato una sorte di Maccartismo che ha fatto crollare tutte le regole di scienza per imporre un miscuglio di credenze pseudo scientifiche ad un fragile pubblico”.
9. Joseph Sonnabend (Microbiologo): ”Non esiste alcun agente eziologico specifico dell’aids….la malattia insorge come risultato di processi cumulativi a seguito di un periodo di esposizione a molteplici fattori ambientali”.
10. Serge Lang (professore della Yale University): “Non esiste nemmeno una singola definizione appropriata dell’aids sulla quale discorsi o statistiche si possano verosimilmente basare….il CDC chiama queste malattie aids sono quando anticorpi dell’HIV sono presenti in maniera accertata o presunta: Se una persona risulta sieronegativa, a queste malattie viene dato un altro nome”.
11. Albert Sabin (National Health Institute): “L’attuale campagna di educazione e prevenzione si basa sull’asserto che ogni sieropositivo può essere considerato agente di contagio, ma di questo non vi è alcuna prova”.
12. Harry Rubin (Retrovirologo, menbro dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze):
“Non penso che sia stata trovata la causa dell’aids: Penso che in una malattia così complessa vi siano, verosimilmente cause multiple. Di fatto, chiamarla una malattia singola quando presenta manifestazioni così diverse, mi sembra un’esemplificazione eccessiva”.
13. Willner dr. Robert (Autore di Inganno mortale):
“La maggior parte delle morti per aids controllate dai medici sono state provocate del tutto od in parte dal farmaco letale AZT. In molti casi il farmaco è stato dato ad individui perfettamente sani e normali che erano terrorizzati…. dopo l’inaffidabile test di sieropositività”.
14. Dr.Richard Beltz (Inventore dell’AZT – azidotimina): “L’AZT non aveva prospettive per due ragioni: i miei studi hanno mostrato che era cancerogeno in ogni dosaggio e che era troppo tossico anche per usi di breve periodo”.
15. John Lauritsen (Autore de La guerra dell’AIDS):”Si proclama che l’AZT salva la vita. E ancora adesso la maggior parte del credito che gli si dà è basato sugli esperimenti della III fase che erano pieni di crepe e completamente senza valore”.
16. Baggaley dr. Rachel (British Health Advisor): ” Nessuno in Zambia muore mai di AIDS; dicono che è per malaria, febbre o tubercolosi”.
17. Neville Hodgkinson (Collaboratore del London Sunday Times): “Un nuovo autorevole studio ha messo in luce l’energica evidenza che il test dell’aids non ha valore scientifico, confondendo milioni di persone nel fargli credere che sono sieropositive quando non è vero che sono colpite dal virus. Si è accresciuta la preoccupazione che l’esplosione dell’aids in Africa sia stata selvaggiamente esagerata”.
18. Kary Mullis (Inventore del test PCR, Premio Nobel per la Chimica nel 1993): “Hanno considerato il gran numero di persone sieropositive (in Africa) prima di accorgersi che gli anticorpi della malaria, che in Africa hanno tutti, si mostrano nei test come positivi all’HIV”.
19. PhillipE. Johnson (Giornalista) “Ai giornalisti che si occupano di storie di aids, un gruppo di eminenti scienziati ha detto che non vi è alcun dubbio che il mondo è minacciato della catastrofica piaga dell’aids e mettere in discussione questo fatto è tanto razionale quanto dire che la Terra è piatta”.
20. John Lauritsen (Autore di The Great AIDS Hoax): “…L’aids non è ne nuovo né unico, ma è stato inventato come parola (ombrello) per coprire un complesso di malattie, alcune delle quali erano già state descritte dalla medicina nel 1539”.
21. GlaxoWellcome (Casa farmaceutica che produce il Retrovir – AZT): “ATTENZIONE il Retrovir (zidovudina) può causare tossicità ematica (avvelenamento del sangue, ndr) compreso la granulocipetomia e gravi anemie, particolarmente in pazienti con malattie ha HIV in fase avanzata. La piena innocuità e il profilo di efficienza del Retrovir, non è stata ben definita, particolarmente nei confronti di individui affetti da HIV con minor avanzamento della malattia”.
22. Elinor Burkett, (Autrice di The Greatest Show on Earth): parlando dell’industria dell’aids: “… un insieme di certi dottori, politici, ricercatori negli enti governativi, assicuratori, leader di comunita gay, funzionari del CDC, burocrati delle assicurazioni sanitarie e funerarie, media… tutti quelli che possono aver intascato o essere stati puniti o confusi od aver soggiaciuto all’avidità e all’egoismo”.
23. Tom Bethell (ricercatore alla Hoover Institution): “Il fatto è, adesso ne sono convinto, che l’aids non è affatto una malattia: è un programma di governo”.
24. Geshekter dr. Charles (professore di storia alla California University, Chico): “Un rapporto del 1994 nel Journal of Infection Diseases (rivista delle malattie infettive) ha concluso che il test HIV è stato inutile in Africa, ove i germi della tubercolosi, malaria, lebbra sono così diffusi che hanno contribuito a dare oltre il 70% di falsi sieropositivi…. in persone i cui sistemi immunitari sono compromessi per altre ragioni che non l’HIV”.
25. Rep. Gil Gutknecht (U.S. House of Representatives, membro del Comitato sulla Scienza): “Considerando che esiste una limitata prova scientifica dell’esatto legame tra HIV e AIDS, è forse etico prescrivere AZT, un distruttore del DNA utilizzato 30 anni fa come chemioterapico per il cancro, a 150 mila Americani, tra i quali donne incinte e neonati, come farmaco anti HIV ?”
26. Elliot Fox (Giornalista, fondatore dell’Associazione per il riesame dell’AIDS): “AIDS, la Waterloo del complesso delle industrie farmaceutiche, è stato descritto come derivante da un virus, a dispetto della più che provata evidenza del contrario, scoperto da test su anticorpi che si sono dimostrati grossolanamente inaccurati e curato da farmaci incredibilmente tossici che sono stati definitivamente definiti come responsabili della sindrome”.
27. Jon Rappaport (Commentatore, giornalista, autore di AIDS, Inc.): “Un sacco di gente è cosciente che l’HIV è una burla e che l’AZT uccide la gente…. Molta gente si sta accorgendo che questo non è il comportamento di un male contagioso”.
28. Giornale “Bio Tecnology”: “Il solo modo per distinguere le reazioni di produzione di anticorpi dovuti al virus HIV dalle reazioni di anticorpi prodotte per cause diverse, sarebbe di isolare il virus HIV. Purtroppo il virus NON è stato mai isolato.
I test che controllano gli anticorpi non sono specifici per un’infezione da virus HIV”
1) Montagnier (Istituto Pasteur – Francia, lo “scopritore” del virus HIV) dice che quello che ha trovato e poi spedito in parte a Gallo (USA, che dice di essere invece lui il vero scopritore dello HIV) non può essere un retrovirus, ma il “treno dell’aids” ed i medici indottrinati dalla sanita’ mondiale, non prendono in considerazione questi dati.
2) Mullis inventa una tecnica con la quale la massa conta i virus; lo stesso Mullis dice che tale procedimento è errato, ma la massa dei medici indottrinati non lo ascolta.
3) Tante teorie alternative si formano sull’argomento, ma la massa dei medici indottrinati non le prende neanche in considerazione
4) Un farmaco palesemente tossico AZT (letale) è stato somministrato per anni e la massa dei medici indottrinati nega che tale farmaco fosse tossico, contraddicendo chi quel farmaco ha inventato
Pubblichiamo un articolo (in inglese) pubblicato sulla stampa mondiale negli anni 1980
In an extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of “Top Secret”, Prof J. Segal and Dr. L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-made disease, originating at Pentagon bacteriological warfare labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Top Secret is the international edition of the German magazine Geheim and is considered by many to be a sister publication to the American Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB). In fact, Top Secret carries the Naming Names column, which CAIB is prevented from doing by the American government, and which names CIA agents in different locations in the world.
The article, named “AIDS: US-Made Monster” and subtitled “AIDS – its Nature and its Origins,” is lengthy, has a lot of professional terminology and is dotted with footnotes.
The following is my humble attempt to encapsulate its highlights. It is recommended that all interested read the original, which is available at some bookstores, or can be ordered for $3.50 from:
Top Secret/Geheim Magazine P.O.Box 270324 5000 Koln 1 Germany
“The fatal weakening of the immune system which has given AIDS its name (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome),” write the Segals, “has been traced back to a destruction or a functional failure of the T4 lymphocytes, also called ‘helper cells`, which play a regulatory role in the production of antibodies in the immune system.” In the course of the illness, the number of functional T4- cells is reduced greatly so that new anti-bodies cannot be produced and the defenseless patient remains exposed to a range of infections that under other circumstances would have been harmless. Most AIDS patients die from opportunistic infections rather than from the AIDS virus itself. The initial infection is characterized by diarrhea, erysipelas and intermittent fever.
An apparent recovery follows after 2-3 weeks, and in many cases the patient remains without symptoms and functions normally for years. Occasionally a swelling of the lymph glands, which does not affect the patient’s well-being, can be observed.
After several years, the pre-AIDS stage, known as ARC (Aids- Related Complex) sets in. This stage includes disorders in the digestive tract, kidneys and lungs. In most cases it develops into full-blown AIDS in about a year, at which point opportunistic illnesses occur. Parallel to this syndrome, disorders in various organ systems occur, the most severe in the brain, the symptoms of which range from motoric disorders to severe dementia and death.
This set of symptoms, say the Segals, is identical in every detail with the Visna sickness which occurs in sheep, mainly in Iceland. (Visna means tiredness in Icelandic). However, the visna virus is not pathogenic for human beings.
The Segals note that despite the fact that AIDS is transmitted only through sexual intercourse, blood transfusions and non- sterile hypodermic needles, the infection has spread dramatically. During the first few years after its discovery, the number of AIDS patients doubled every six months, and is still doubling every 12 months now though numerous measures have been taken against it.
Based on these figures, it is estimated that in the US, which had 120,000 cases of AIDS at the end of 1988, 900,000 people will have AIDS or will have died of it by the end of 1991. It is also estimated that the number of people infected is at least ten times the number of those suffering from an acute case of AIDS.
That in the year 1995 there will be between 10-14 million cases of AIDS and an additional 100 million people infected, 80 percent of them in the US, while a possible vaccination will not be available before 1995 by the most optimistic estimates. Even when such vaccination becomes available, it will not help those already infected.
These and following figures have been reached at by several different mainstream sources, such as the US Surgeon General and the Chief of the medical services of the US Army.
Say the Segals: “AIDS does not merely bring certain dangers with it; it is clearly a programmed catastrophe for the human race, whose magnitude is comparable only with that of a nuclear war.” They later explain what they mean by “programmed,” showing that the virus was produced by humans, namely Dr. Robert Gallo of the Bethesda Cancer Research Center in Maryland.
When proceeding to prove their claims, the Segals are careful to note that: “We have given preference to the investigative results of highly renowned laboratories, whose objective contents cannot be doubted. We must emphasize, in this connection, that we do not know of any findings that have been published in professional journals that contradict our hypotheses.”
The first KNOWN cases of AIDS occurred in New York in 1979. The first DESCRIBED cases were in California in 1979.
The virus was isolated in Paris in May 1983, taken from a French homosexual who had returned home ill from a trip to the East Coast of the US. One year later, Robert Gallo and his co-workers at the Bethesda Cancer Research Center published their discovery of the same virus, which is cytotoxic, i.e poisonous to cells.
Shortly after publishing his discovery, Gallo stated to newspapers that the virus had developed by a natural process from the Human Adult Leukemia virus, HTLV-1, which he had previously discovered. However, this claim was not published in professional publications, and soon after, Alizon and Montagnier, two researchers of the Pasteur Institute in Paris published charts of HTLV-1 and HIV, showing that the viruses had basically different structures. They also declared categorically that they knew of no natural process by which one of these two forms could have evolved into the other.
According to the professional “science” magazine, the fall 1984 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), was almost entirely devoted to the question of: to what extent new pathogenic agents could be produced via human manipulation of genes. According to the Segals, AIDS
was practically the sole topic of discussion.
The Segals discuss the findings of Gonda et al, who compared the HIV, visna and other closely-related viruses and found that the visna virus is the most similar to HIV. The two were, in fact, 60% identical in 1986.
According to findings of the Hahn group, the mutation rate of the HIV virus was about a million times higher than that of similar viruses, and that on the average a 10% alteration took place every two years. That would mean that in 1984, the difference between HIV and visna would have been only 30%, in 1982- 20%, 10% in 1980 and zero in 1978.
“This means,” say the Segals, “that at this time visna viruses changed into HIV, receiving at the same time the ability to become parasites in human T4-cells and the high genetic instability that is not known in other retroviruses.
This is also consistent with the fact that the first cases of AIDS appeared about one year later, in the spring of 1979.”
“In his comparison of the genomes of visna and HIV,” add the Segals, “Coffin hit upon a remarkable feature.
The env (envelope) area of the HIV genome, which encodes the envelope proteins which help the virus to attach itself to the host cell, is about 300 nucleotides longer than the same area in visna.
This behavior suggests that an additional piece has been inserted into the genomes of the visna virus, a piece that alters the envelope proteins and enables them to bind themselves to the T4-receptors.
BUT THIS SECTION BEHAVES LIKE A BIOLOGICALLY ALIEN BODY, which does not match the rest of the system biochemically. (emphasis mine)
The above mentioned work by Gonda et al shows that the HIV virus has a section of about 300 nucleotides, which does not exist in the visna virus. That length corresponds with what Coffin described. That section is particularly unstable, which indicates that it is an alien object. According to the Segals, it “originates in an HTLV-1 genome, (discovered by Gallo-ED) for the likelihood of an accidental occurrence in HIV of a genome sequence 60% identical with a section of the HTLV-1 that is 300 nucleotides in length is zero.” Since the visna virus is incapable of attaching itself to human T4 receptors, it must have been the transfer of the HTLV-1 genome section which gave visna the capability to do so. In other words, the addition of HTLV-1 to visna made the HIV virus. In addition, the high mutation rate of the HIV genome has been explained by another scientific team, Chandra et al, by the fact that it is “a combination of two genome parts which are alien to each other BY ARTIFICIAL MEANS rather than by a natural process of evolution, because this process would have immediately eliminated, through natural selection, systems that are so replete with disorders.”
“These are the facts of the case,” say the Segals. “HIV is essentially a visna virus which carries an additional protein monomer of HTLV-1 that has an epitope capable of bonding with T4 receptors. Neither Alizon and Montagnier nor any other biologist know of any natural mechanism that would make it possible
for the epitope to be transferred from HTLV-1 to the visna virus. For this reason we can come to only one conclusion: that this gene combination arose by artificial means, through gene manipulation.”
“The construction of a recombinant virus by means of gene manipulation is extraordinarily expensive, and it requires a large number of highly qualified personnel, complicated equipment and expensive high security laboratories.
Moreover, the product would have no commercial value. Who, then,” ask the Segals, “would have provided the resources for a type of research that was aimed solely at the production of a new disease that would be deadly to human beings?”
The English sociologist Allistair Hay (as well as Paxman et al in “A Higher Form of Killing”-ED), published a document whose authenticity has been confirmed by the US Congress, showing that a representative of the Pentagon requested in 1969 additional funding for biological warfare research. The intention was to create, within the next ten years, a new virus that would not be susceptible to the immune system, so that the afflicted patient would not be able to develop any defense against it.
Ten years later, in the spring of 1979, the first cases of AIDS appeared in New York.
“Thus began a phase of frantic experimentation,” say the Segals.
One group was working on trying to cause animal pathogens to adapt themselves to life in human beings.
This was done under the cover of searching for a cure for cancer. The race was won by Gallo, who described his findings in 1975. A year later, Gallo described gene manipulations he was conducting. In 1980 he published his discovery of HTLV.
In the fall of 1977, a P4 (highest security category of laboratory, in which human pathogens are subjected to genetic manipulations) laboratory was officially opened in building 550 of Fort Detrick, MD, the Pentagon’s main biological warfare research center. “In an article in ‘Der Spiegel`, Prof. Mollings point out that this type of gene manipulation was still extremely difficult in 1977. One would have had to have a genius as great as Robert Gallo for this purpose, note the Segals.”
Lo and behold. In a supposed compliance with the international accord banning the research, production and storage of biological weapons, part of Fort Detrick was “demilitarized” and the virus section renamed the “Frederick Cancer Research Facility”. It was put under the direction of the Cancer Research Institute in neighboring Bethesda, whose director was no other than Robert Gallo. This happened in 1975, the year Gallo discovered HTLV.
Explaining how the virus escaped, the Segals note that in the US, biological agents are traditionally tested on prisoners who are incarcerated for long periods, and who are promised freedom if they survive the test. However, the initial HIV infection symptoms are mild and followed by a seemingly healthy patient.
“Those who conducted the research must have concluded that the new virus was…not so virulent that it could be considered for military use, and the test patients, who had seemingly recovered, were given their freedom.
Most of the patients were professional criminals and New York City, which is relatively close, offered them a suitable milieu.
Moreover, the patients were exclusively men, many of them having a history of homosexuality and drug abuse, as is often the case in American prisons. 1111
It is understandable why AIDS broke out precisely in 1979, precisely among men and among drug users, and precisely in New York City,” assert the Segals. They go on to explain that whereas in cases of infection by means of sexual contact, incubation periods are two years and more, while in cases of massive infection via blood transfusions, as must have been the case with prisoners, incubation periods are shorter than a year.
“Thus, if the new virus was ready at the beginning of 1978 and if the experiments began without too much delay, then the first cases of full- blown AIDS in 1979 were exactly the result that could have been expected.”
In the next three lengthy chapters, the Segals examine other theories, “legends” as they call them, of the origins of AIDS. Dissecting each claim, they show that they have no scientific standing, providing also the findings of other scientists. They also bring up the arguments of scientists and popular writers who have been at the task of discounting them as “conspiracy theorists” and show these writers’ shortcomings. Interested readers will have to read the original article to follow those debates. I will only quote two more paragraphs:
“We often heard the argument that experiments with human volunteers are part of a barbaric past, and that they would be impossible in the US today… We wish to present one single document whose authenticity is beyond doubt.
An investigative commission of the US House of Representatives presented in October 1986 a final report concerning the Manhattan Project. According to this document, between 1945 and 1975 at least 695 American citizens were exposed to dangerous doses of radioactivity. Some of them were prisoners who had volunteered, but they also included residents of old-age homes, inmates of insane asylums, handicapped people in nursing homes, and even normal patients in public hospitals; most of them were subjected to these experiments without their permission. Thus the ‘barbaric past` is not really a thing of the past.”
“It is remarkable that most of these experiments were carried out in university institutes and federal hospitals, all of which are named in the report.
Nonetheless, these facts remained secret until 1984, and even then a Congressional committee that was equipped with all the necessary authorization needed two years in order to bring these facts to life. We are often asked how the work on the AIDS virus could have been kept secret. Now, experiments performed on a few dozen prisoners in a laboratory that is subject to military security can be far more easily kept secret than could be the Manhattan Project.”
Black Crawling Systems @ V0iD Information Archives ( 6 1 7 ) 4 8 2 – 6 3 5 6
The following articles are extracted from New Dawn magazine, Volume No. 1 & 2. (C) Copyright April 1992.
New Dawn, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, 3001, Australia.
Shocking Revelations on AIDS Research by Our North American Correspondent Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, national spokesman for Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, dropped a bombshell on the nation’s capital at a mass rally held at All Souls Unitarian Church on September 8. Although the event had been planned for some time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Washington, D.C. ministry of Dr. Muhammad, he turned the event into a report on his recent fact-finding mission to the African nation of Kenya.
Dr. Muhammad startled the standing-room-only audience when he announced that a research team working out of the Kenyan Medical Research Institute, led by the Harvard-trained immunologist Dr. David Koech, had made dramatic advances in the treatment of AIDS. Dr. Muhammad also charged that the U.S. government was leading a major effort by the international medical establishment to suppress this groundbreaking research.
Among those who packed the church to hear Dr. Muhammad speak on the theme “Can We Survive Genocide,” were clergy from several denominations along the East Coast, civil rights leaders, community activists, leaders of the Nation of Islam, elected officials and political leaders from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, and hundreds of ordinary citizens.
The introduction of Washington’s former Mayor Marion Barry – the man on whom the Bush administration spent millions to remove him from office – brought the house to its feet in an extended ovation.
A Policy of Genocide
In his remarks, Dr. Muhammad quoted extensively from a 1985 article authored by Lyndon LaRouche, “The Looming Extinction of the ‘White Race'”. In that piece, LaRouche documents that the imperial policies intrinsic to oligarchism have set into motion the self-destruction of the population levels and economies of those “white” nations that have complicitly tolerated oligarchical policies – most specifically the United States and Great Britain.
LaRouche states that since what the oligarchs call the “Great White Race” is dying out at an accelerating rate, and threatening the supremacy of the Anglo-American financial establishment, we witness a fanatically Malthusian commitment to a policy of genocide directed against people of colour; a genocide consciously implemented through the conditionalities policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
“That,” Dr. Muhammad charged, “is one of the reasons they’ve got him locked up; because he’s got the guts to tell the truth”.
Dr. Muhammad went on to present extensive evidence that the policy of deliberate genocide is fully operational.
He described the CIA’s support for the cause of population control during George Bush’s tenure as Director of Central Intelligence, and reported the contents of National Security Memorandum 200, written during the Ford administration, which advised that the preservation of U.S. political and commercial interests “will require that the President and Secretary of State treat the subject of population growth control in the third world as a matter of paramount importance….”
To the amazement of the audience, Muhammad identified the authors of the internal memo as Henry Kissinger and Gen. Brent Scowcroft, now Bush’s national security adviser.
(See The New Dawn Vol.1 No.1, May, 1991)
Dr. Muhammad used the case of Brazil, which has the second largest black population in the world, to prove that the memorandum was being implemented. “Today in Brazil, 40% of the women of childbearing age have been surgically sterilized with funds provided by the USAID,” he said, “and 90% of those sterilized women are black.”
He insisted that this genocide was the real agenda of Bush’s New World Order; that it not only motivated the invasion of Panama and the kidnapping of Gen. Manuel Noriega, but also the continuing murder of the nation of Iraq. He told the audience that these were just the opening battles in the war of the advanced sector nations of the North against the developing nations of the South. Dr. Muhammad denounced George Bush as a wicked man who cherished his membership in the satanic secret society Skull and Bones. He reminded the audience that the “skull and bones” was also the emblem on the flag flown by the slave traders who raided Africa, as well as of the latter day pirates.
AIDS and ‘population control’
Given the Anglo-American establishment’s commitment to mass murder, the effort to suppress the promising research of Dr. Koech and his colleagues should come as no surprise to anyone, the Nation of Islam leader said.
In fact, he contended, there is substantial evidence to indicate that AIDS was developed as a race-specific population control measure. Dr. Muhammad ridiculed the theory that AIDS originated when the virus made a species jump from the African green monkey to the African population. “We lived with the green monkey for thousands of years and never had any problems.
The green monkey isn’t our enemy. The IMF is.”
Dr. Muhammad, who is a trained surgeon, said he traveled to Kenya to see for himself what the alpha interferon derivative, which goes under the trade name Kemron, was really all about. Dr. Muhammad reported that he interviewed the research team in their laboratory, was permitted to review their data, and to examine AIDS patients currently undergoing treatment with Kemron and with a new, more advanced form of Kemron, the drug Immunex, which contains a greater number of alpha interferon components than the original drug.
Dr. Muhammad stressed that although the new drug was only a treatment and not a cure for the deadly HIV virus, he was tremendously hopeful and encouraged by the dramatic improvement in the condition of those undergoing treatment.
Dr. Muhammad introduced Dr. Barbara Justice, a well-known New York City-based cancer surgeon who has sent 54 AIDS patients to Kenya for treatment over the past year. Dr. Justice reported that 97% of her patients showed marked improvement within weeks of beginning treatment, and that most were able to regain some degree of normalcy in their ability to function.
It has been almost impossible for anyone outside of Kenya administering Kemron on an experimental basis in the to assess the work of the Kenyan team, which has been treatment of AIDS since 1989, since it has been systematically blacked out of the scientific literature. Dr. Koech was to present his data, first at the International AIDS Conference in the United States in 1987, and then again at the 1991 AIDS Conference in Italy.
On both occasions, his invitation was inexplicably withdrawn.
Last year, Dr. Koech decided to take his data directly to the U.S. medical community, and an extensive U.S. lecture tour was planned. That tour was abruptly cancelled when the State Department refused to issue Dr. Koech the necessary permission to enter the United States.
This is certainly not the first time that important AIDS research has been suppressed. Quite the contrary, it is part of a continuing criminal pattern of lies and cover-up. The importance of a rapid evaluation of Dr. Koech’s work with Kemron and Immunex is obvious. Currently, the only treatment available to AIDS victims is the drug AZT; however, AZT therapy is prohibitively expensive and carries with it extremely destructive side effects, especially with prolonged use. Additionally, a recent study conducted by the U.S. Army showed that, for unexplained reasons, AZT therapy is not only largely ineffective in the treatment of blacks, but that, in fact, AZT seems to aggravate symptoms in an alarming number of black patients.
Kenya’s President Daniel Arap Moi clearly finds the Koech team’s findings to be convincing. He recently announced that his government was building a factory to allow the mass production of alpha interferon.**
AIDS – Man-Made Holocaust
The fact that AIDS is a man-made virus created in U.S. laboratories has been covered up
“America should withdraw from the Mediterranean, Europe and all foreign bases and it should save that money to create jobs for 12 million unemployed Americans, and contribute towards the elimination of the diseases it manufactured like AIDS which was produced by the CIA at its laboratories and tested on American prisoners who took the virus with them to the outside world when released from prison and then it spread throughout the world.” – Muammar Al-Qadhafi speaking at the International Conference for Peace in the Mediterranean, 4-6 May, 1990.
On July 4, 1984, the Indian daily Patriot published a horrifying report that the disease AIDS was believed to have originated from a virus created in the laboratories at the U.S. germ warfare research institute at Fort
Detrick, Maryland. The editor explained that the information had come from a well-known American scientist
and anthropologist who expressed the fear that India might face a danger from the disease in the near future.
The American had to remain anonymous. He was obviously in danger for having disclosed so deadly a secret.
At that time, when the full horror of the incurable disease was not known Patriot reported that the World Health Organisation believed AIDS posed the gravest threat to the entire population of the world. More on the World Health Organisation later.
The British Sunday Express, 26 October, 1986, with banner headlines, and an “exclusive” label, announced “AIDS made in lab. shock.” The front-page story said that the virus was created during laboratory experiments which “went disastrously wrong.”
It added that a massive cover-up had kept the secret from the world. The Sunday Express quoted a British expert, Dr. John Seale, who first reported his conclusion that the virus was man-made last August, 1986, in the Royal Society of Medicine Journal.
He said that his report was met with a “deadly silence” from the medical profession, and that made him very suspicious.
The editor of the Journal agreed, according to Dr. Seale, that “it sounded like a conspiracy of silence.”
The second expert quoted by the Sunday Express, was Prof. Jacob Segal, retired Director of the Institute of Biology in Berlin.
It said, “our investigators have revealed that two U.S. Embassy officials made a two-hour visit to Prof. Segal at his home two weeks ago questioning him about what he knows, what he thinks, where he got his information, and what he intends doing with his report.” The Professor told the reporters, “one said he was a historian, and the other said he was a political consul.
But I am positive they were from the CIA, and that they were deeply concerned that the cover-up over the origin of AIDS was going to be exposed.”
I told them I had known that in the mid-70s experiments were being carried out at Fort Detrick, where the U.S. Army Medical Research Command has its headquarters, on volunteer long-term prisoners who were promised their freedom after the tests. Almost certainly the scientists were unaware of the extent of their terrible creation – the AIDS virus.
WHO Involvement ?
The third expert quoted in the Sunday Express was Dr. Robert Strecker, an internist and gastroentarologist from Glendale, California, who stated “it must have been genetically engineered.” Strecker believes, after years of exhaustive research, that the AIDS virus is indeed man-made. Strecker has alleged that AIDS was engineered at the request of the World Health Organisation and other scientific groups who, according to Strecker, injected the disease during preventative vaccines. WHO, he says, along with the International Agency for Research on Cancer and The National Institute on Health, requested the production of a virus that would attack the immune system’s T-cells. AIDS, he says, is a hybrid of two animal viruses – bovine leukemia (found in cattle) and a sheep brain virus called visna. This new virus was given as vaccinations in Haiti, Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean by WHO in a 13-year campaign against smallpox in Third World nations, reports indicate. Strecker, in his 97-minute videotape, “The Strecker Memorandum,” cites specific documentation supporting theories that AIDS is a result of that direct request.
For example, from Volume 47 of Bulletin of the World Health Organisation (1972), page 259:
“The effects of virus infection of different cell types (e.g., Macrophages, T and B lymphocytes) should be studied in greater detail with morphological changes perhaps serving as an indication of functional alteration…” “The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus may itself be impaired if theinfecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens…”
In fact, a May 11, 1987 frontpage article in the London Times, headlined “Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus,” said WHO was investigating new evidence suggesting that “immunization from the smallpox vaccine Vaccinia awakened the unsuspected, dormant human immuno defense virus infection (HIV).
” Vaccinia was the actual vaccine given as smallpox deterrents during the WHO project. Were the AIDS infections intentional, accidental or coincidence?
According to Strecker in his “Memorandum,” a key part of the actual study “was to be the time relationship between infection and antigen administration,” which suggests WHO officials – and other agencies who were directly dependent on the United States government for research grants – had to have known.
The denials were not long in coming. But the British Sunday Telegraph exposed itself. It said the story (the Sunday Express article) was invented by the Russians “to smear the Americans,” and recalled that it had appeared in the Soviet journal, Literary Gazette. It said this paper based its report on the Patriot – and that the Patriot report did not exist ! Professor Segal describes as “ludicrous and scientifically incredible” the theory that the virus came from African green monkeys. One thing is certain: the controversy surrounding the AIDS virus will not die.
A Weapon Against Black People ?
Zear Miles, a Black industrial engineer, who has studied the AIDS virus and its origins for about six years has stated that he has proof from various documentation and letters from other AIDS researchers to prove that the virus was made in an American military lab as a means to suppress Blacks. In his document entitled “Rape Africa”, Miles researched the origin of the AIDS virus from 1952, when the federal government had enough blood types and characteristics of every nationality in the world up to the King Alfred plan which called for the extinction of Blacks in national security emergencies.
Miles learned that through National Security Council Memorandum 46, dated 1978, which called for a possible way to gauge and control the impact of the growing Black movement, the government was researching possible ways to suppress Black hostility toward the authorities. Later called the King Alfred plan, the scheme called for the extinction of Blacks by the year 2000 with an AIDS-like virus. Miles said he also gauged the increasing number of AIDS cases in which the number of Black contractors have gone up significantly compared with Whites, citing that the AIDS virus attacked a Black person’s immune system and destroyed it in six weeks as opposed to a White person’s time of six months.
The Evidence
What is the evidence available to the layman. First, the initial cases were reported in New York and there is no dispute that Fort Detrick was working on immunological defence against infection. The British Guardian reported on October 27, 1986, that in 1969 evidence was given to a Washington Appropriation Committee that “within the next five or ten years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which would differ from any known disease causing organism.
Most important, that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic properties on which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.” “Refractory” means, according to the Oxford Dictionary, “not yielding to treatment.” AIDS answers precisely to that description.
On September 24, 1986, the Daily Telegraph reported from Washington, “Enough of a debilitating virus to infect the whole world, disappeared from an American germwarfare laboratory five years ago, and has never been traced, an environment group claimed yesterday in a Washington Court action aimed at halting biological weapons research.” In 1968, the J.D. Bernal Peace Library organised a conference on the dangers of biological warfare research.
Ritchie Calder said then that among the weapons being stockpiled were some designed to bring about genetic changes.
He said the “doomsday bug was under wraps” and that there was a conspiracy of silence about germ weapons because the implications were so frightening.” He told the British Daily Mirror after his address that “somewhere in the world a germ is being cultured to which we would have no natural resistance and to which there would be no sure defence.”
A precise description of AIDS. The British Observer, on June 30, 1968, quoted from an article in the Journal of General Microbiology by W.D. Lawton of Fort Detrick, and R.C. Morris and T.W. Burrows of the British microbiological research station at Porton.
One paragraph said, “By engineering the genetics of individual strains, microbiologists aim to produce a single strain containing the most deadly combination of properties.” Again, a description of AIDS.
The article says that at that time Porton, according to the government, was concerned only with defence applications of research, but Fort Detrick was only committed to developing microbiological weapons for offence.
The Japanese carried out germ warfare research in occupied China during the war. Some of these criminals were captured by the Soviets and duly tried and sentenced. Others were given immunity by the Americans and taken to work at Fort Detrick. In 1969, after the AIDS virus was loose, negotiations began on a Convention banning biological weapons, and it came into force in 1972. In its first review conference in 1980, it was reported that 80 countries had ratified.
But there is no provision in the Convention to ban research or for verification. Nichola Sims, who has written a book on biological disarmament, wrote recently, “the failure of the Convention to impose any restrictions even on ‘offensive’ biological warfare research, has been frequently criticised.” And she refers to popular fears that a “super germ breakthrough in the means of waging biological or toxin warfare is just around the corner and may induce the possessor of such a germ to break out of the Convention.” She quotes Dr. Robert K. Mikulak of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for the statement that “there is no justification for classified military research on the question in any country.” But so far there is no inspection or verification.
A much more recent accusation against the United States for the manufacturing of the AIDS virus comes from the Libyan UN Ambassador, Mr. Ali Ahmed Elhouderi. On January 9, 1992, at a press conference, he stated that the AIDS virus was produced in a laboratory probably as a weapon.
He said, “We think it is man-made and it was done in laboratories. And it was not, as suggested, coming from monkeys in Africa.” He also suggested that the virus had been manufactured at the time of the Vietnam War.
These statements fit perfectly into place as research would have been carried out at that time at Fort Detrick for offensive purposes against the North Vietnamese.
AIDS Was Man-Made
On all the circumstantial evidence, the layman will almost certainly reject the idea that the escape of the man-made AIDS virus was the result of a disastrous error during innocent civilian research. We can assuredly conclude that it was the result of germ warfare research, and the finger of guilt points to the United States.
The scientists could not have visualised that they would let loose a so-far incurable disease that may and possibly will wipe out millions, particularly in the Third World, where the majority of the world’s population lives. Never was the need greater for the nations to drop their differences and to concentrate all their skill and resources in a world-wide battle against this terrible threat, and to end the horror of germ warfare research.
The Mystery of Skull Valley – By NIKOLAI FILIPPOV
Because of an error made by an airman testing a new germ weapon, a deadly virus attacks the population of a small town in highland Utah, USA. An incurable disease begins to kill people like a plague epidemic.
In an attempt to cover up the traces of their crime, the military authorities artificially cause a landslide that buries the town and doom chance survivors to lifelong isolation.
This is the plot of Vector, a novel by Henry Sutton, an American author. This book is based on dramatic events during which the victims were fortunately not people but animals. March 14-20, 1968 was a black week for American farmers grazing sheep in the remote pasturelands of semi-desert Skull Valley, Utah. About 6,500 sheep died there in those seven days under mysterious circumstances.
Even more of a mystery was that people, cattle and other animals in the area were unscathed. Everybody – farmers, residents of Utah, journalists – felt certain that the accident was linked to the US Army chemical and bacteriological testing ground in Dugway with an area of several thousand square kilometres in the vicinity of Skull Valley. Indeed, at that very time the thousands of Dugway employees were carrying out large scale experiments in preparation for further escalation of the chemical war and the start of a germ war in Vietnam. For a whole year the Defence Department emphatically denied that animals in Skull Valley were being affected by the chemical or biological agents disseminated in the atmosphere during the test. In an attempt at a cover-up, experts at the proving ground advanced hypotheses which must have seemed untenable even to laymen about the sheep having been killed by poisonous plants or a natural epizootic.
However, an inquiry by Utah authorities in collaboration with veterinarians and health experts compelled the Pentagon to admit its responsibility for the death of the sheep. Even so, no one at Dugway was punished.
The blame for a terrible crime posing a real threat to people’s health due to a gross violation of safety standards in conducting tests was placed on an unfortunate accident.
According to the official version formulated under the direction of the U.S. military authorities, a test of TMU-28/B spray tanks with nerve agent VX, was carried out at Dugway on March 13, 1968.
The gas was dispersed from an F-4E jet bomber by means of two spray tanks with a total capacity of 1,200 litres.
The bomber flew at an altitude of 40 to 45 m. During the test something went wrong with one of the tanks (or so the version ran), and besides, the direction of the wind varied, with the result that part of the nerve gas was carried beyond the proving ground.
A cloud of aerosol VX allegedly contaminated pasturelands on an area of 400-500 sq. km.
Skull Valley was not the only area where sheep died, for a cloud of aerosol VX reached Res Valley, killing sheep 70 km away from where the poison gas had been released. Anyone who has read publications dealing with the accident in Skull Valley and Res Valley is bound to detect a contradiction between the military authorities’ version and the facts.
The Pentagon has yet to explain why a whole year passed before it made up its mind about what chemical or biological agent caused the death of the sheep outside Dugway. If the Dugway test had to do only with VX, then that gas was the only cause of the sheep’s death and this could have been stated at once.
There is reason to presume that over a short period experiments were carried out at Dugway involving a whole range of poison gases and biological agents. But it is logical to suppose that even in such a contingency experts should know well the properties and casualty effects of the test materials. And this implies that researchers must have had no difficulty in ascertaining the nature of the agent which killed so many sheep.
The official story of the experiment of March 13, 1968, says that the wind carried beyond Dugway, in the form of vapours and highly dispersed aerosol, a mere nine kg, or 0.8 per cent, of the total amount of VX gas to be dispersed.
Field chemical control cannot ensure such a degree of accuracy. But the authors of the version needed to cite some figure in order to make people believe that the sheep had been killed by a nerve gas.
At the same time, the Pentagon wanted to conceal from the public the real danger posed by chemical weapon tests in the atmosphere to residents of Utah and so it withheld information about the actual amount of gas released over Skull Valley.
The Pentagon officials suggested that the contamination level in the Skull Valley pastureland where deaths occurred among sheep averaged a mere 0.02 gram per hectare.
Let us note by way of comparison that to kill humans, it would be necessary according to U.S. data available to disseminate from one to three kilograms of VX per hectare of target, or 100 thousand times more than the contamination level in Skull Valley given in the official version. Reports said that in a flock totalling 2,800 sheep, 2,500 or 90 per cent, were killed.
No such effect is possible where the VX contamination level is 0.02 gram per hectare. A publication put out by the Dugway proving ground said that during the test on March 13, 1968, the greatest distance at which VX drops spilled on the ground had been 5.4 km and not 70 km, as the official version would have it. The Pentagon’s information on one and the same fact varies from document to document and from period to period. Surely this shows that the version is false.
A contaminated cloud spreading wide in the atmosphere only retains vapours and minute particles of aerosol which do not settle on the ground and can be inhaled. It follows that had such a cloud really floated over Skull Valley, it would have caused inhalational casualties in other animals as well, including cattle and horses, but no such thing happened, according to documentary evidence. In the early days after the accident, before the hypothesis about VX was advanced, doubts were expressed even by Brig. Gen. William Stone. He rightly asked why the gas had only killed sheep without affecting people.
There were also other moot points. Why were the diseased sheep shot dead ?
Why was no attempt made to save them by evacuating them to an uncontaminated area or by treating them with atropine or other antidotes? Marr Fawcett, a veterinarian of Utah, refused to believe that the sheep had been poisoned with VX, for in that case many of them could, in his opinion, have been saved by means of antidotes.
Dr. Kent Van Kampen, a veterinary pathologist in Utah, said in April 1968, shortly after the accident, that as early as March 17, 1968, the supposition that the sheep had been hit by a chemical poison affecting the nervous system could have been refuted without difficulty since all symptoms of such poisoning were lacking.
The death of an animal poisoned with a nerve gas such as VX is accompanied by spasms and paresis of muscles in the limbs. Yet judging by what sheep herders said in the early days of the inquiry into the accident, dying sheep had shown no signs of spasms. True, later on someone saw to it that a videotape recording allegedly illustrating the Skull Valley accident was projected widely. The tape showed the death of a single sheep shaking with spasms as a group of civilians looked on.
One year after the accident, Kent Van Kampen and Marr Fawcett contributed in collaboration with other experts of Utah an article to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association setting out the causes and circumstances of the sheep’s death in Skull Valley, their version tallying with the Pentagon’s. There was a footnote saying that in writing their article, the authors had enjoyed expert assistance (it is easy enough to guess what kind of assistance) in particular from Dr. Mortimer Rothenberg, the science director at Dugway, and Dr. Bernard MacNamara of Edgewood Arsenal, the chief U.S. Army centre for the development of chemical and germ weapons.
We might as well note at this point that shortly after the sheep’s death in Skull Valley Dr. Rothenberg, trying to exonerate Dugway from blame for the accident, declared that the symptoms displayed by the sheep had nothing whatever in common with those of nerve gas poisoning. And so, it took the Pentagon a year to invent an explanation for the sheep’s death and make the civilian experts mentioned above present its version as their own, thereby striking a bargain with their conscience.
The videotape which showed a sheep’s death from VX was intended to serve the same purpose.
But the forgery was too crude for knowledgeable people to mistake it for the truth.
They realised at once that the “documentary” showed a sheep injected with a nerve gas by means of a syringe, that is, in the same way as this is done in demonstrating the effect of nerve gases on animals.
They deduced this from the absence of any other living or dead sheep on the screen as well as from the presence of people wearing no gas masks or protective clothes, whereas safety regulations forbid anyone to enter without taking these precautions in an area contaminated by VX to a degree killing livestock.
There is no such ban where a poison gas is injected into the body of an animal outside a contaminated area.
A further fact worthy of note is that the worker’s teams which buried the dead sheep had no gas masks on, judging by other videotapes and various photographs. This is permissible only when the nature of an agent which has caused the death of animals is known for certain. Furthermore, it is necessary to note that the agent used was completely harmless to humans.
This detail, like the others cited above, indicates that the sheep in Skull Valley were killed by something other than nerve gas. The death of livestock so far away from the testing ground, as in the case of Skull Valley, could only be caused by a biological agent. Experts could establish without difficulty that nine litres of biological agent is enough to generate a pathogenic aerosol cloud five km long, two km deep and 100 m high. One litre of aerosol cloud could contain several hundred units of pathogen.
Such a cloud can sail many dozens of kilometres without losing its casualty effects. Consideration of the death rate of biological agents during the drift of aerosol particles in the atmosphere makes no difference as far as the main conclusion is concerned. Poison gas tests according to regulations in force at Dugway are generally conducted in the morning to ensure that enough daylight remains for collecting data on the results of tests and cleaning the test site.
The dissemination of VX on March 13, 1968, is alleged to have been carried out one hour before sunset.
Evening experiments are particularly typical in the case of biological agents, for researchers are careful to preclude the disastrous impact of sunrays on pathogens. The year 1968, when the Skull Valley accident occurred, has gone down in history as the peak of U.S. chemical warfare in Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea.
In thelate 1960s, the Pentagon worked at a frantic pace to develop new chemical and germ weapons.
A report by the House Committee on Science and Astronautics said that in the years preceding the accident, the Pentagon had been engaged in a vast programme for germ weapon testing. The tests were conducted at several military testing grounds, on ocean islands, in the Panama Canal zone, Alaska, New York City and San Diego as well as on airfields, in subways and on highways. The Dugway test made on March 13, 1968, or somewhat earlier could be one of those tests.
It is reasonable to suppose that during that test use was made of biological agents based on a virus selectively killing sheep without doing any harm to humans. It could be visna, a virus which has been intensively studied since the late 1950s in several research centres, including Fort Dettrick, Maryland, then the main U.S. centre for the development of germ weapons.
No visna-caused diseases have been recorded among humans.
This virus hardly affects cattle, horses or other animals. Its properties in this respect coincide entirely with those of the agent responsible for the Skull Valley accident in 1968.
Visna affects the central nervous system of sheep, robbing their body of immunity. The symptoms are progressive weakness, shortness of breath, a wobbly gait, sagging withers and a drooping head. The end affect is paresis and paralysis of the skeletal muscles and then death. Similar symptoms were registered in sheep affected with the Skull Valley disease.
The disease caused by visna is incurable. This explains why the epidemiological service of Utah did the right thing by deciding to slaughter the diseased sheep.
No antidotes could have helped the animals in the least and were not used, either. If during the March 1968 tests at Dugway visna was used as a simultant modelling the properties of germ weapons, it is clear why the men who buried the dead sheep used no gas masks or protective clothes, since visna is harmless to man.
And this invites another conclusion: at that time, the nature of the agent which affected the sheep was known to at least a small group of people in charge of removing the effects of the accident.
The establishment of investigation committees was merely designed to conceal the real objectives and tasks of the Dugway experiments from the public. The mystery of those criminal experiments has begun to come to light in recent years. Competent scientists consider that visna was used in the United States for genetic engineering work which resulted in creating HIV, a chimeric virus causing an incurable infectious disease of man known as AIDS.
Research into HIV at the molecular level has shown that 60 per cent of its genome is identical with that of visna and the rest is a built-in nucleotide sequence isolated from the genome of another retrovirus, HLTV-I.
HIV, or the pathogen of AIDS, was designed in U.S. genetic engineering laboratories on instruction from the Pentagon.
The purpose of this virus is to augment the U.S. germ (biological) warfare potential by acquiring a capability for depriving an enemy population of vitally important immunity at the threshold of a major or local armed conflict.
The conclusion about the complicity of the U.S. military authorities in the appearance of AIDS, the new dangerous disease which affects humans, is shared by John Seale of Britain, Jacob Segal of Germany, Robert Strecker of the United States and other noted scientists and experts who have carefully analysed available scientific data.
[See New Dawn Vol.2, No.1]
For the time being, they have discounted the events and facts connected with the Skull Valley accident. Nevertheless, they have come to the unanimous conclusion that in designing HIV visna was made use of. Dr. Seale has said that a scientist who wanted to evolve a virus capable of destroying man’s immunity system and provoking a disease similar to AIDS would have to resort to visna.
The “patent” for inventing HIV should be issued to the United States because it was there that the virus was developed and also because Americans were the first victims of AIDS. The disease, which broke out in New York, was carried to other big cities in the United States and then to other countries and continents. Its virus was transmitted by infected Americans serving at overseas military bases.
Besides, AIDS was contracted in the United States by Australian and European tourists vacationing there. HIV spread to Middle East and other Arab countries which imported blood from donors stricken with AIDS. In October 1986, John Seale quoted during an interview with the Guardian an extract from a report prepared by the Pentagon in 1969.
It said that in the next five to ten years an infective micro-organism might be evolved that would differ substantially from all pathogens known so far. Its most important property, the report said, would consist in attacking the immune system and internal organs on which the ability of the human body to resist infectious diseases depends. Consequently, the AIDS pathogen was deliberately created and development was planned and funded.
The test at Dugway which killed so many sheep in Skull Valley turned out to be part of the Pentagon’s programme for designing a new biological agent, the AIDS pathogen.
AIDS: As Biological & Psychological Warfare – By WAVES FOREST
It is hard to imagine that a cure for AIDS would be withheld for economic reasons alone.
Could there be some other motive ?
Despite repeated denials from Defense Department officials, allegations persist that AIDS is a genetically altered virus, which has been deliberately released to wipe out homosexuals and/or non-whites in the U.S. and reduce populations in Third World countries. At first glance it seems like the epitome of paranoia to accuse the military of conspiring to exterminate citizens of their own country, and even some of their own troops. However, the vast majority of military personnel could be completely unaware of such a plot in their midst, while a relative handful of traitors in key positions could conduct it under cover of classified operations. And the circumstantial evidence is actually quite compelling, that the AIDS virus was artificially engineered, and planted in several different locations at about the same time through vaccination programs, and possibly blood bank contamination.
At a House Appropriations hearing in 1969, the Defense Department’s Biological Warfare (BW) division requested funds to develop through gene-splicing a new disease that would both resist and break down a victim’s immune system. “Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which would differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms.
Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.” (See A Higher Form of Killing:
The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris and J. Paxman, p.266, Hill and Wang, pubs.)
The funds were approved. AIDS appeared within the requested time frame, and has the exact characteristics specified.
In 1972, the World Health Organisation published a similar proposal:
“An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g. by… affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens.” (Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p.257-274.) This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus.
The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the massive W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970’s (London Times, May 11, 1987).
Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign.
Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told. A striking feature of AIDS is that it is ethno-selective.
The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities. “Ethnic weapons” that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a longstanding U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman, p.265) Under the current U.S. administration biological warfare research spending has increased 500 percent, primarily in the area of genetic engineering of new disease organisms.
The “discovery” of the AIDS virus (HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility.
Actually, the AIDS virus looks and acts much more like a cross between a bovine leukemia virus and a sheep visna (brain-rot) virus, cultured in a human cell culture, than any virus of the HTLV3 group. The closest thing in this case to a “smoking test tube” so far is the AIDS virus itself.
If it was possible for such a monstrosity to occur naturally it would have done so ages ago and decimated mankind at that time. Some other life form would presently be in control of this planet (assuming that is not already the case).
The Hepatitis B vaccine study in 1978 appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals.
At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978.
By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. State Department of Justice, and “unavailable.”
The AIDS epidemic emerged full-blown in the three U.S. cities with “organised gay communities” before being reported elsewhere, including Haiti or Africa, so it is epidemiologically impossible for either of those countries to be the origin point for the U.S. infections. Another indication AIDS had multiple origin points is that the 14-month doubling time of the disease cannot nearly account for the current number of cases if we assume only a small number of initial infections starting in the late 1970s. Before dismissing the possibility that a U.S. Army BW facility would participate in genocide, bear in mind that hundreds of top Nazis were imported into key positions in the U.S. military-intelligence establishment following WWII. U.S. military priorities were then reorientated from defeating Nazis to “defeating” communism at any cost, and strengthening military control of economic and foreign policy decisions. (See Project Paperclip by Clarence Lasby, Atheneum 214, NY, and Gehlen: Spy of the Century by E.H. Cookridge, Random House.)
There’s no proof those Nazis ever gave up their longterm goals of conquest and genocide, just because they changed countries. Fascism was and is an international phenomenon. It’s not as if this was a total reversal of previous U.S. military policy, however. Hitler claimed to have gotten his inspiration for the “final solution” from the extermination of Native Americans in the U.S.
For that matter the first example of germ warfare in the U.S. was in 1763 when some of the European colonists gave friendly
Indians a number of blankets that had been infected with smallpox, causing many deaths.
One indication of the actual U.S. military priorities regarding BW was the importation of the entire Japanese germ warfare unit (#731) following WW II. These people killed over 3,000 POWs, including many Americans, in a variety of grisly experiments, yet they were granted complete amnesty and given American military positions in exchange for sharing their research findings with their U.S. Army counterparts.
Consider also the callous attitude displayed by top military officials toward veterans suffering from the after-effects of exposure to Agent Orange and radiation from nuclear weapons tests. In fact, since the end of WW
II over 200 experimental BW tests have been conducted on civilians and military personnel in the U.S.
One example was the test spraying from Sept. 20-26, 1950 of bacillus globigi and syraceus maracezens over 117 square miles of the San Francisco area, causing pneumonia-like infections in many of the residents.
The family of one elderly man who died in the test sued the government, but lost. To this day, syraceus is a leading cause of death among the elderly in the San Francisco area. Another case was the joint Army-CIA BW test in 1955, still classified, in which an undisclosed bacteria was released in the Tampa Bay region of Florida, causing a dramatic increase in whooping cough infections, including twelve deaths. A third example was the July 7-10, 1966 release of bacteria throughout the New York subway system, conducted by the U.S. Army’ Special Operations Division. Due to the vast number of people exposed it would be virtually impossible to identify, let alone prove, the specific health problems resulting directly from this test.
Despite the loyalty of the vast majority of U.S. military personnel toward their country, there are clearly some military officials who have very different intentions, and they occupy high enough positions to impose their priorities on military programs and get away with it, so far. The first detailed charges regarding AIDS as a BW weapon were published in the Patriot newspaper in New Delhi, India, on July 4, 1984. It is hard to say where the investigations of this story in the Indian press might have led, if they had not been sidetracked by two major domestic disasters shortly thereafter: the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Oct. 31 and the Bhopal Union Carbide plant “accident” that killed several thousand and injured over 200,000 on Dec. 3.
Apparently, homosexuals were an initial target in the U.S. because their sexual practices would help in the rapid spread of the disease, and because it was correctly assumed that very few non-homosexual citizens would pay much attention during the early years of the epidemic.
Also, the stigma of a “homosexual disease” would interfere with rational analysis and discussion of AIDS.
Bear in mind that homosexuals were among the first to be exterminated in Nazi Germany, before Jews and other minorities, so fewer citizens would object. The details of precisely how the AIDS virus was synthesized, mass cultured, and spread by incorporating it into vaccination programs are available but fairly intricate.
Evil is hard to confront, especially on the preposterous scale we have here. If you acknowledge the presence of those who think their only hope for survival is to kill off two thirds of all the other kinds, and their ability to manage it, you then pretty much have to do something about it.
Abridged from Now What #1.
The North American-based Nation of Islam (NOI) led by Minister Louis Farrakhan launched an offensive in its battle against the deadly “man-made” AIDS virus during its recent Saviours’ Day weekend.
The following report is courtesy of The Final Call.
From the rostrum of Christ Universal Temple here, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan announced that the NOI has acquired exclusive distribution rights to the AIDS fighting drug Immunex, an oral alpha-interferon treatment developed in Kenya.
“I just got a call from our chief of staff 3 minutes before I came on the rostrum,” Minister Farrakhan said, regarding the confirmation of the Immunex agreement that came from Leonard Muhammad in Kenya. “The Nation of Islam is announcing to you that we have the exclusive distribution rights of Immunex throughout the United States of America. “As of this day,” he continued, “Min. Alim will still teach, but he is now the Minister of Health and Human Services for the Nation of Islam.”
Dr. Alim told the cheering audience that the war against AIDS is being won but total victory will not come “until we deal with those responsible for making the AIDS virus.”
Since the early 1970s under the Nixon administration, he said, the official policy of this government has been to commit genocide against non-white people around the earth.
That policy continues under the administration of President George Bush, he said. Dr. Muhammad and former Final Call Editor-in-Chief Abdul Wali Muhammad were sent to Kenya by Minister Farrakhan last year on a fact-finding tour regarding the drug Kemron. While there, the NOI representatives learned about Immunex.
Both drugs have shown remarkable effects in relieving AIDS symptoms, but the drugs have received very little media coverage in the U.S. “We would like FDA approval,” said Min. Farrakhan, “however we can’t wait.
We will take any risk, bear any burden to free our people of a man-made disease designed to kill us all.
“The Minister added that the drug will be offered to all who need it “regardless of race, creed or colour.”