Bibliografia su AIDS e medicine Complementari
Gli sconvolgenti documenti ufficiali, alcuni dei quali totalmente inediti in Italia, che provano la truffa dell’Hiv-Aids.
Fatti a me ben noti, da giornalista investigativo e dati per scontati gia’ nel 1983….
Frutto di 3 anni di ricerca intesa e ostacolata di un dottore italiano che, minacciato di morte, è emigrato all’estero. Facciamo girare e diffondiamo il più possibile per favore. Grazie a tutte/i.
L’altra storia dell’Aids + Hiv virus inventato
1. Elion RA, Cohen C. Complementary medicine and HIV Infection. Primary Care. 1997;24:905-919.
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4. Ernst E. Complementary AIDS therapies: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Int J STD AIDS. 1997;8:281-285.
5. Anderson W, O’Connor BB, MacGregor RR, Schwartz JS. Patient use and assessment of conventional and alternative therapies for HIV infection and AIDS. AIDS. 1993;7:561-566.
6. Ostrow MJ, Cornelisse PGA, Health KV, et al. Determinants of complementary therapy use in HIV-infected individuals receiving antiretroviral or anti-opportunistic agents. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1997;15:115-120.
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11. Dalvi RR. Alterations in hepatic phase I and phase II biotransformation enzymes by garlic oil in rats. Toxicol Lett. 1992;60:299-305.
12. Laroche M, Choudhri S, Gallicano K, Foster B. Severe gastrointestinal toxicity with concomitant ingestion of ritonavir and garlic. In: Program and Abstracts of the Canadian Association for HIV Research Seventh Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS; April 30 – May 3 1998; Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Abstract 471P.
13. Zima T, Kamenkova L, Janebova M, Buchar E, Crkovska J, Tesar V. The effect of silibinin on experimental cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. Ren Fail. 1998;20:471-479.
14. Racz K, Feher J, Csomos G, Varga I, Kiss R, Glaz E. An antioxidant drug, silibinin, modulates steroid secretion in human pathological adrenocortical cells. J Endocrinol. 1990;124:341-345.
15. Leber HW, Knauff S. Influence of silymarin on drug metabolizing enzymes in rat and man.
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17. Kim HJ, Chun YJ, Park JD, et al. Protection of rat liver microsomes against carbon tetrachloride-induced lipid peroxidation by red ginseng saponin through cytochrome P450 inhibition. Planta Med. 1997;63:415-418.
18. Tyler VE. What pharmacists should know about herbal remedies. J Am Pharm Assoc. 1996;NS36:29-37.
19. Natural Medicines Comprehensive database. Stockton, Calif: Therapeutic Research Faculty, 2000.
20. Phillips LG, Nichols MH, King WD. Herbs and HIV: the health food industry’s answer. South Med J. 1995;88:911-913.
21. Snow B. Internet sources of information on alternative medicine. Database. 1998; Aug/Sept:65-73.
Altra Bilbiografia
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2. WEBER, J. AIDS and the “guilty” virus. New Scientist, pp. 3233, May 5, 1988
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4. LEVINE, A. S. Viruses, immune dysregulation, and oncogenesis: inferences regarding the cause and evolution of AIDS. In AIDS: The Epidemic of Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infections, edited by A. E. FRIEDMANKIEN and L. J. LAUBSENSTEIN. New York: Masson, 1984.
5. DUESBERG, P. H. Retroviruses as carcinogens and pathogens: expectations and reality. Cancer Res. 47:1199 1220, 1987.
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– Joan Shenton, ‘Positively False; Exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS’
– Roberto Giraldo, ‘AIDS and Stressors’
– Steven Epstein, ‘Impure Science; AIDS, activism, and the politics of knowledge’
– Neville Hodgkinson, ‘AIDS: The failure of contemporary science’
– Peter Duesberg, ‘Inventing the AIDS Virus’
– Peter Duesberg (virologist), ‘AIDS; Virus or drug induced?’
– Peter Duesberg, ‘Infectious AIDS: Have we been misled?’
– Ian Young, ‘The Stonewall Experiment; A gay psychohistory’
– Ellinor Burkett, ‘The Gravest Show on Earth; America in the age of AIDS’
– Robert Willner, ‘Deathly Deception’
– Robert Root-Bernstein, ‘Rethinking AIDS; The tragic cost of premature consensus’
– John Lauritsen & Ian Young (editors), ‘The AIDS Cult: Essays on the gay health crisis’
– John Lauritsen, ‘The AIDS War; Propaganda, profiteering and genocide from the medical-industrial complex’
– John Lauritsen, ‘Poison by Prescription; The AZT story’
– Bruce Nussbaum, ‘Good Intentions; How big business and the medical establishment are corrupting the fight against AIDS’
– Jad Adams, ‘AIDS; The HIV myth’
– Jon Rappoport, ‘AIDS Inc.; Scandal of the century’
Most recent releases are at left of the shelf, or top of the list.